1. Clean the litter tray thoroughly. Rinse with clean, lukewarm water to remove remaining traces of cleaning/bleaching agent. Dry the litter tray using kitchen paper or toilet paper.
2. Sprinkle KatKor onto the middle of the litter tray. Return the tray to original location.
3. Faeces should be removed immediately to avoid contamination of urine.
4. Urine sample should be taken as soon as possible after urination. To do this, squeeze the air valve at the end of the pipette supplied and tilt the litter tray resting it on one corner. Place the pipette in the bottom corner of the tray and then collect the urine by releasing the air valve.
5. Transfer the urine into the container provided and deliver to your vet as soon as possible. Promptness is important as urine composition and crystal formation may alter as a result of prolonged storage.
6. If your cat does not respond well to the amount of KatKor in the litter tray, two bags of KatKor may be used. Generally speaking, only 1-2 ml of urine is required for analysis. One bag of KatKor is sufficient for 7 ml of urine per 10 ml urine passed by the cat. Cats produce on average from 35 - 80 ml (on dry feed) up to 80 - 120 ml or urine per day, so collecting enough urine is in most cases not a problem. A cat with a bladder infection passes only a few drops of urine each time. In such cases, it will take from 1 - 2 hours to collect a sufficient amount of urine. Any urine collected in that time cannot be stored in the refrigerator due to possible crystallisation.
7. If the cat refuses to use the litter tray with KatKor, normal litter tray granules can be placed in the corner of the tray to provide a familiar smell. It is important to ensure that the urine does not become contaminated by the normal litter tray granules. This method should only be applied in extreme cases.
Katkor® is a registered trademark by Rein Vet Products
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